“As you probably aware, the situation in area of autism in my homeland was quite disastrous only few years ago. There was a total lack of support for these children and their families. No diagnostics, no treatment, no inclusion or special education, no information, even no professional literature in Russian. Only the antique Russian theories and aggressive medical treatments.
The translation of your book to Russian was the first ray of light in the darkness of almost total ignorance in this area. There was a significant progress since then. Many important books were translated, many international evidence-based practices were introduced and adopted by some of the local professionals. As expected, most of the efforts to promote the issue come from the parents of autistic children, but gradually is emerging a new society of open minded professionals who are ready to learn from international experience, follow new researches and trends and use them in practice. The autistic children in Russia and other CIS countries (former USSR) has much better chance for a full and independent life today then 4-5 years ago. Still, we have a long way to go.
Your book is a “must read”, first step into ABA and ASD for any new family that forced to face this diagnosis or any professional exposed to ASD. In your book you succeeded to introduce the ABA in a friendly and non-threatening way that motivates the reader to deepen the knowledge use the principles you are describing with their children or clients.
Your outstanding contribution to the field is widely known in Russia and highly appreciated.”